Les Vins de Bordeaux 1.0
Find out all about the French wines from Bordeaux: Different types of grapes, appellations, the geographical location, characteristics of the wines, food matches etc.
Find out all about the French wines from Bordeaux: Different types of grapes, appellations, the geographical location, characteristics of the wines, food matches etc.
This program allows you to manage your personal wine cellar (red, rose, white, champagne etc.) and includes functions such as search, print preview, data filtering prior to printing, statistics, simplified data entry with copy of existing values, data backup (and …
A bartending software with over 24,000 mixed drink recipes. BarBack allows you to carry out advanced multi-criteria searches. eg. You can search for all drinks with vodka & orange juice, all drinks with Jägermeister in an iced glass or all …
AvosVins wine software for Windows is an indispensable tool for consulting and managing the content of your cellar. AvosVins wine software offers clear presentation and maximum ease of use. The upmost professional care was taken to develop a wine software …
A full-featured recipe management software. If ….you have recipes jotted down, cut out and stored in various corners of your kitchen and, naturally you can never find the recipe that you knew that you had somewhere but don’t quite remember …
Vignicave is a complete solution for organizing and managing a wine cellar. Created especially for wine amateurs, this software lets you access all features related to the buying and tasting of wines using just one single screen. Such features include …
A free software program for storing and organizing your recipes. Includes over 10000 recipes and over 1 300 cocktail recipes.
A wine cellar book software to manage your private wine cellar. Enter and track extensive information about your wines and other beverage types, such as country of origin, geographical regions, wine regions, AOC, cepage, vintage, price, wine grower, tasting notes, …
“La Marmite du Chef” (Cook’s pot) is a free software with Alexandre Pukall’s recipes. Various searches are possible and recipes can be added.
Eat balanced meals … This software helps you to prepare balanced menus for better energy management. Rabelais Pro is easy to use allows you to create your own menus according to your specific daily energy requirements (in Kjoules or Kcalories).