CCCC ’99 2.4
A platform game with 50 different platforms. The aim of this platform game is to find a ruby. In order to do so you must first collect other objects with special powers while avoiding a variety of traps and ennemy …
A platform game with 50 different platforms. The aim of this platform game is to find a ruby. In order to do so you must first collect other objects with special powers while avoiding a variety of traps and ennemy …
A brick-breaking arcade game. This is a classic brick-breaker game where you use the mouse to move your bat to bounce a ball back and forth destroying the blocks and earning points. You can change the size of your bat …
Yatzee with statistics. This refined version has an elaborate interface and statistics can be stored for up to 8 players and games can be timed if wished. Statistics show the number of winning and losing throws, best and average draws …
A darts simulation game. This 3D darts simulation game can be played by several human players or alone against 3 computer opponents of different strengths. A cursor is used to take aim at the target and a simple mouse-click will …
Rabbit hunting. The aim of this game is to eliminate as many rabbits as possible in a limited amount of time. Use a radar to detect the innoncent rabbits in a sophisticated 3D environment where you get a 360° view. …
A collection of letter games. This is a collection of seven letter games (classic and original ones) including crosswords, anagrams, hangman, a Mastermind style game. etc.. Games are based on a dictionary containing over 15 000 words enabling sophisticated word …
Une mangouste poursuivie par des lions dans des labyrinthes. Ce jeu de course dans des labyrinthes en 3D propose de diriger une mangouste qui doit collecter des pierres précieuses et échapper aux lions. Il y a des lions rockers, punks …
A remake of Nibbles. This snake game can be played alone against the computer or by two humans. You must guide your snake over as much distance as possible without touching your opponent’s snake or your own tail. There are …
Escape from a castle full of mummies and zombies. The aim of this adventure game is to escape from a castle full of mortel traps. There are a choice of different castles with mummies and zombies waiting in their tombs …
A shoot em up game where it is possible to customize your ennemies ! This game doesn’t need to be installed in order to run. You control a shooting station and must defend yourself against attacks from a variety of …