Calciné 1.5
Network tank combats. This strategic tank combat game can be played alone or via network with up to 10 players playing at once. Each tank driver has 16 different weapons and drives his/her tank through a variety of different types …
Network tank combats. This strategic tank combat game can be played alone or via network with up to 10 players playing at once. Each tank driver has 16 different weapons and drives his/her tank through a variety of different types …
Black Jack with probability calculations. This Black Jack program (also known as 21) focuses on the different ways of calculating probabilities and provides tips for improving your game. The player can play against the Macintosh opponent in the simple, classic …
3D Flipper. This very realistic 3D Flipper game, with an emphasis on multi-ball play, has an elaborate graphical interface and is equipped with forks, rebounds, traps, targets, mushrooms, tunnels, lock ball etc.. You can monitor your game in 2 different …
A remake of Pong. For those with Pong nostalgia, this bettered version, with neat sounds and graphics, allows to players to play in a more sophisticated environment than the original Pong. PPC
Variante simple du célèbre jeu de loterie. Ce jeu de loterie permet de miser de fortes sommes sans éprouver son compte en banque réel. Il propose au joueur de choisir des numéros dans une grille (entre 2 et 10 chiffres …
Aventure sur une île perdue. C’est un jeu de rôle en mode texte qui est proposé ici. Le but du jeu est de retrouver son amie perdue et de quitter l’île où se déroule l’action. Le joueur se déplace d’endroits …
Guessing a hidden number : for young children This simple game is designed for very young children. The aim is to guess a hidden number. The Mac provides the numbers which come before and after the hidden number and counts …
A pairs memory game. In addition to some bug fixes, this version lets you play against a computer opponent and has several skill levels. The aim of the game is to make pairs : cards are layed out face down …
Production cinématographique. Tel un nabab hollywoodien, ce logiciel vous permettra de construire votre empire de production puis de pouvoir prendre une retraite bien méritée. Pour ce faire, vous n’avez qu’à faire des films et ainsi acquérir de l’argent pour pouvoir …
Destroy Bloodsucking insects. This game is all about dangerous bloodsucking insects attacking an arm. The attack begins with the first bite and the aim is to destroy the insects before they suck all your blood. The insects are of varying …