Bloodsuckers 2.0

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Destroy Bloodsucking insects. This game is all about dangerous bloodsucking insects attacking an arm. The attack begins with the first bite and the aim is to destroy the insects before they suck all your blood. The insects are of varying …

Xop 1.0

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Destruction de billes. L’espace de jeu est, avec ce programme, lentement mais inexorablement envahi de billes. Le joueur dispose pour freiner leur progression d’un canon qui tire des billes. Les billes (tirées ou en place) ont des propriétés aussi diverses …

USAPuzzle! 1.0

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A Geography puzzle with American states. This is a package of geography jigsaw puzzles for the states and capitals of the USA. The user has a limited time in which to click, drag and rotate colorful puzzle pieces into their …

HoverDuel 2.6

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Hovercraft Combats. This is a two player combat game in which the players control hovercrafts and attempt to destroy each other using a variety of weapons. The hovercraft can move over both land and sea. Players select the color of …

Europe! 1.0

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A Geography puzzle with European countries. This is a package of geography jigsaw puzzles of different European countries. The user has a limited time in which to click, drag and rotate colorful puzzle pieces into their positions on the map. …

Dominoes 1.2

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Dominos avec bonus. Cette variante du classique jeu de domino propose de réduire la part de chance dans la réussite du jeu en ajoutant une notion de points obtenus par bonus. Les joueurs alignent toujours les dominos correspondants aux points …

Equate! 2.0.1

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A one-player mathematical card game. This game is useful for math students. The idea is to make equations by dragging arithmetic operators between the cards that are dealt. The longer the equation, the more points you get. If you can’t …

Cat and Mouse 2.0

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Réussite à deux. Tout comme la crapette, ce jeu est une sorte de réussite qui se joue à deux. Chacun des joueurs (en fait, le joueur contre le Mac) doit se débarrasser de toutes ses cartes en construisant des piles …

Battalion 1.5

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Godzilla versus the rest of the world. This little game in very primitive 3D (the objects are not much more sophisticated than lego constructions) is based around Japanese cinema monsters. The aim is to destroy everything in your path. Choose …