FoxyProxy Standard 2.16.1

Rated /5

FoxyProxy is a free, open-source advanced proxy management tool that completely replaces Firefoxs limited proxying capabilities. It offers more features than SwitchProxy, ProxyButton, QuickProxy, xyzproxy, ProxyTex, TorButton, etc. FoxyProxy automatically switches an internet connection across one or more proxy servers …

Kryptel 5.93

Rated /5

You have some sensitive data to protect,  need encryption software ?. If you are looking for quality encryption software, which you could use without being a crypto expert, then Kryptel is an option. Easy File and Folder Encryption Encryption may …

Alien Arena 7.32

Rated /5

Alien Arena is a free, stand-alone deathmatch game based on source code released by id Software. The game combines a 1950s-era sci-fi atmosphere with gameplay similar to the Quake, Doom, and Unreal Tournament series. Alien Arena focuses mainly on online …