A powerful population projection simulation tool.
IPSS is used to make population projections. Much Demographic data is provided and can be modified and updated with ease. Data can be represented as graphics that can be pasted directly to a spreadsheet or wordprocessor and automatically converted to numerical data, population pyramids (absolute and percent), bar and line graphs, Lexis surface, tabular reports.etc.. My making changes to initial population estimates, fertility, mortality, migration etc.. the user can immediately see the impact on projected statistics.
Projections can be made over a 250 year period (200 years in the past and 50 years in the future) in the licensed version. (20 year period in the demo version).
IPSS 1.4
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Senecio Software Inc.
Licence - Free to try
OS - Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP

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