The new O&O RescueBox 4 is the Data Recovery software for every operation on every system. It is immediately bootable from CD and contains it own independent operating system.
With the help of O&O DiskRecovery, O&O FormatRecovery and O&O UnErase, the O&O RescueBox can recover files from nearly every type of data storage media. With help from the on-screen assistant, recovery is made easy and files you thought were already lost can quickly be at your disposal again.
To work with RescueBox Recovery CD, no installed operating system is necessary.
O&O RescueBox 4.1.1
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O & O Software
Licence - Free to try
OS - Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP

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