AdriEURO 1.0
A full-featured Euro currency conversion program.
A full-featured Euro currency conversion program.
A Calculator and French Francs/Euro/French Francs converter.
This calculator and French Franc to Euro converter is designed for shop keepers, craftsmen, associations and small businesses.
This currency converter will convert French Francs to Euros using the official exchange rate. Will also convert US Dollars to Euros and can be used to convert the currency of your choice at your chosen exchange rate.
Convert French Francs to Euros and vice versa. Easy-to-use.
This is a calculator and a French Francs to Euro (and vice versa) converter. This same program also exists for Belgium Francs and Luxemburg Francs. Created with Visual C+.
Eurocalc is a simple calculator (similar to the Windows calculator) which will also perform conversions from Euros to French Francs and French Francs to Euros.
An easy-to-use Euro Zone currency converter.
This free and easy-to-use program will convert foreign currencies in to Euros and vice versa. The exchange rates cannot be altered.
A French Francs to Euros (and vice versa) currency conversion program.