Conversions EURO 2.0
Conversions EURO will convert local currencies in to EUROS.
Conversions EURO will convert local currencies in to EUROS.
A French Francs to Euros converter.
Euroconv. will convert any local European currency, including French Francs, in to Euros.
A calculator and converter for French Francs/Euros.
A Euro converter for converting French Francs to Euros and vice versa. EF is simple to use and practical.
This program will convert the english imperial system to metric and vice versa. The results are absolutely accurate.
Calculette Euro will provide conversions between different currencies including all local currencies in the Euro zone. Exchange rates can be downloaded, VAT calculated and conversions between Euros and US Dollars, Canadian Dollars etc are also possible.
CalcEF is a calculator and Eur converter. The exchange rate can be modified.
Multi-Euro is a Euro converter which will convert Euros into 12 different currencies and vice versa.
An easy-to-use utility for converting French Francs to Euros and vice versa. In French.