AccessFIX 5.58

Rated /5

AccessFIX is an Access database recovery Software that restores damaged MS Access files, rebuilding the table data. AccessFIX is the only program that recovers tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, modules, relations, the referential integrity, primary and secondary indexes, field properties, …

Careful Backup 1.53

Rated /5

A backup tool. Careful Backup is one of the most complete solutions for backing up sensitive data. It runs in the background, monitoring changed or new files. You must first determine which files are to be saved. This is done …

Argentum Backup 2.60

Rated /5

Argentum Backup is a handy, small backup software program that lets you easily backup your documents and folders, both manually and automatically. Safely protects you from accidental deletes, overwrites and viruses. Designed to be suitable for both beginners and advanced …

EXo-7 1.0

Rated /5

EXO-7 est un jeu en Flash (avec des éléments en 3D précalculés)où vous pilotez un vaisseau spatial dont la mission est de récupérer des capsules de survie éparpillées dans un champ d’astéroïdes…

Bounceback Ultimate 9.1

Rated /5

BounceBack Ultimate Instant Recovery software enables you to back up your entire PC or laptop hard drive, including the Operating System, data files, applications, pictures, video, financial documents and settings. Using the Instant PC Recovery mode, you can start your …