Agenda 3.5.1
Keep track of your events and to-do list. Agenda can greet you, tell you the current date and read off your pending events and to-do items througout the day. This easy to use, virtual agenda boasts a customizable interface and …
Keep track of your events and to-do list. Agenda can greet you, tell you the current date and read off your pending events and to-do items througout the day. This easy to use, virtual agenda boasts a customizable interface and …
A collection of XTensions for QuarkXPress. This collection of Xtensions for QuarkXPress is the second of two current volumes and includes some which can be downloaded separately from the site. The modules are wide and varied in function: loading customized …
A collection of QuarkXPress Xtensions. This collection of QuarkXPress Xtensions comprises many extensions, some of which can be downloaded separately on this site. The functions of these different extensions are varied and include : changing the scale of a group …
Vector designs Although the main function of this soft is to convert black and white or colour bitmap images into vector designs, there is also a tool box for correcting the images which makes it really quite a complete vectorial …
Des pages HTML à partir des dossiers d’images. Ce programme génère automatiquement un fichier HTML pour chaque image en analysant l’arborescence du dossier qui les contient. Si ce dossier contient des images destinées au Web, ce fichier est intégré dans …
Visual planning is a complete project planning tool, with drag and drop technology. Events are created by dragging and dropping icons and colours on the calendar rows, Numerous information can be linked with each event : comments, forms, values, documents …
Polices arabe et asiatiques. Cette collection de polices comprend des caractères en arabe, en ourdou (la langue officielle du Pakistan), en malayalam et en tamoul (des dialectes indiens courants). Existe aussi pour Windows. PPC
Conception et utilisation de modules d’apprentissage. Conçu pour les enseignants et formateurs, ce programme permet de créer toutes sortes de modules de contrôle des connaissances, de tester les élèves et stagiaires puis de mesurer leur progression. Il permet la création …
This data base can accommodate an unlimited number of contacts. Most headings (or fields) that you will need are available, but it is possible to add more. Direct links on website and email addresses will automatically open the associated software …
1tox allows you to split files and folders into smaller files and has the ability to treat several files/folders at a time. The resulting smaller files can then be either copied to smaller supports (eg a floppy disk, hard disk), …