This is a software which generates morse code. It generates Wave sound files of morse characters that can be played by any media software. Includes over 20 lessons for learning morse.
This is a software which generates morse code. It generates Wave sound files of morse characters that can be played by any media software. Includes over 20 lessons for learning morse.
OR Predictor will predict oxidation-reduction reactions.
An all-in-one sci/eng freeware tool. Sicyon is easy-to-use and ideal for students, teachers, scientists or engineers who use physical or chemical formulas and tables of constants.
ESBPDF Analysis is probability analysis tool, ideal tool for Maths students. This is an easy-to-use tool for using Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions in one single application. Most Tables and supplied functions (such as in MS Excel) give P (X …
An all-in-one sci/eng freeware tool. Sicyon is easy-to-use and ideal for students, teachers, scientists or engineers who use physical or chemical formulas and tables of constants.
This is an interative chemistry teaching program for homes and schools. It guides students through all the concepts required for understanding atomic structure and various types of chemical bonding.
This is probably the most complete periodic table of the elements that is available for PC. Information such as half life, decay mode, and daughter products is included. It is also availabe for Mac (The Atomic Mac).
This is a complete unit conversion program which will convert just about anything you can think of, including time,mass, energy, and even radiation absorption; common clothing sizes in British, American, and Continental units; numbers into Roman numerals and other bases …
An educational Chemistry game. This game will help you learn about chemical bonds.
A small SPC (Statistical Process Control) program that graphs a feature as you run the lot in real time. All calculations are updated as you enter more data onto the graph.