LunarPhase 2.62
Provides information about the moon and, to a lesser degree, the Sun, This program will graphically display the current phase of the moon in real time. Version 2.70 now provides Sun and twilight information as well as data for the …
Provides information about the moon and, to a lesser degree, the Sun, This program will graphically display the current phase of the moon in real time. Version 2.70 now provides Sun and twilight information as well as data for the …
A fun solar system simulation program. SimSolar will display the positions of the sun, moon and planets for any specified date. The entire system can be tilted or rotated so as to be viewed from all angles. You can search …
A desktop planetarium. Starry Night Backyard is designed for anyone with an interest in the night sky. Allows you to see the sky from anywhere on earth, look at Jupiter from one of its moons, track satellites, asteroids and comets….etc.. …
A planetarium software. CyberSky is an astronomical software for observing the sky on your computer. It displays accurate charts of the sky as seen from any location on the earth. Has a user-friendly interface and many features.
Power Age Sky Simulator is an original astronomical software which gives you the ability to observe the sky on your computer. Features include 19 million stars, Planets, comets, asteroids, Jupiter’s satellites, Saturn’s satellites, 14,000 deep-sky objects (Wolfgang Steinicke’s corrected NGC/IC …
The world is rolling fast into new digital era. With information becoming the one and only true gold of our days, computers are getting more and more widespread. These days, all kinds of activities from home accounting to international corporation …
A software for satellite users. This program will display, at any given moment, satellite visibility forecasts and waiting delay. It allows the monitoring of ten (or possibly more) satellites simultaneously.
This tool displays properties for a selected planet. All 18 properties (divided into four categories – orbital, physical, axial, and atmospheric) for your seleceted planet are displayed in one scrollable window. The program includes an image gallery of NASA and …
A Sidereal clock for your desktop. This is a special astronomy clock based upon “star time”. It calculates the local mean sidereal time (LMST) based upon the computer’s local clock, the user’s time zone, and the user’s west longitude.
Gives a short-term local forecast after current conditions are entered.