A software program for creating storyboards with Filemaker technology.
A software program for creating storyboards with Filemaker technology.
BaseNow provides a user interface for all your databases with a tree-view display. Works with all database formats.
A database for organizing magazines and articles. This is a useful program for writers, students, researchers… those who want to store reference documents, information about authors, magazine puiblishers and articles, contact infomation etc..
An easy-to-use database for storing web addresses outside your browser. SurfNoter was designed as an in-house solution for Allied Business Systems. People were frustrated with Internet browsers bookmarks and favorites lists. It allows you to store a web address somewhere …
This is a program designed for writing the same pieces of text over and over again. Small documents are stored in an easy-to-use interface and you can copy them onto your Windows clip-board with a simple mouse click.
This program will generate web page statistics from database files. WebMerge works with most databases including FileMaker and Microsoft Access.
Designed for professionals, this is a program for managing info-process database information so it can be transferred, in the appropriate format, into other databases within the company’s computer network.
A database development tool using an entity relationship diagram. DeZign for Databases visually supports the lay out of the entities and relationships and automatically generates SQL-schemas for most leading databases.
A powerful document archiving system. This program allows you to organize your data in a highly customizable base where you can archive many different formats of documents including images, PDF, MP3, WAV, HTML files and URLs.
A recruitment management tool with many features including : – full input of CVs, definition of skills required, tracking of applicants, search features, mailing options, printing options, adaptation to your industry or sector. access control, import/export of data etc…