A GPS connexion and multiple-format conversion tool.
A GPS connexion and multiple-format conversion tool.
This software draws and shows the graph of 3D mathematical functions in rectangular coordinates.
This software draws and shows the graph of 2D mathematical functions in rectangular coordinates.
This software will graph a three dimensional equation and contains a variety of graphing options.
A powerful and easy-to-use graphing, curve fitting and calculation software. Includes eight types of graphs (functions, tables, polar, parametric, implicit functions, inequalities etc.), calculus features (regression, integration, derivatives etc) and lots of options.
This software includes a database of semiconductors. The full version is available only on CD-Rom.
A physical property data base application. PhysProps is a thermophysical property data base and property estimation tool. The data base is composed of over 6,500 chemical specie names and their synonyms. It is simple to use.
A molecular modelling software. Rasmol is a 3D viewer for molecular graphics. It is particularly good at viewing and rotating protein molecules at speed, although it can also be used with smaller molecules.
A program for producing mathematical graphs.
WINKS is an all purpose, easy-to-use statistical data analysis program for performing data analysis quickly and reliably.