Rated /5

FACILASSO is a software for the management of an Association with martial arts options. FACILASSO features include ; Management of club; Management of members (history per season); Customizable trombinoscope; Accountancy; e-mailings; printing of cards/enveloppes/labels; events management with summary of each …

PwsPHP 1.2.1

Rated /5

PwsPHP is a content management system (CMS) written in PHP which uses a MYSQL database. It is complete, user-friendly, ergonomic and extremely simple to install, use and modify. Numerous modules and themes (templates) are available and, if necessary, help can …

Spamcillin 3.05 1.2

Rated /5

A software for Outlook Express that automatically filters out all Spams and junk mail. No need to configure. Spamicillin filters out automatically unwanted email and put it in a special #SPAMS folder of your Outlook Express application. For windows XP/2000, …

Akti Planner 1.15

Rated /5

Akti Planner is a visual time organizer and tracker which features the unique ability of reproducing all recurring appointments. With Akti planner you can manage complex schedules and keep track of your time with maximum possible precision. You can set …

DeskBar Vulnerabilite.com v1.2

Rated /5

An antipopup Toolbar for Internet Explorer brought to you by Vulnerabilite.com, a french security news portal. The toolbar features direct access to the different sections of Vulnerabilite.com and direct access to major search engines. It also includes useful shortcuts for …

UnService XP 1.0

Rated /5

When Windows XP launches, a variety of services are activated automatically. Many of these are not actually used by the majority of Windows XP users and use up valuable resources on your computer and potentially can even be dangerous.. UnService …

Amphetadesk 0.93.1 OS X 10.3

Rated /5

AmphetaDesk is a free, cross platform, open-sourced, news aggregator – It will download the latest news that interests you and will display this news in a quick and easy to use (and customizable!) webpage. AmphetaDesk has thousands of available channels.