DisSolver 1.0

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For managing databases of chemicals and formulae. Dissolver allows the creation of custom databases of chemicals and formulae and will automate calculations such as chemical masses required to make Molar, Normal, and % solutions. It allows you to mix stock …

G-Force for Windows Media Player 3.9.0

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G-Force for Windows Media Player, is a music visualization plug-in for media players that also visualizes auxiliary or line-in audio. G-Force features fast anti-aliased effects, millions of possible visual combinations, savable and scriptable effects, and unparalleled expandability. G-Force is designed …

TapDrummer 1.0

Rated /5

A drum machine and a mini sampler using the keyboard. This program allows you to program your computer keys to play sound sequences. It contains samples of different drum sounds and you can hit the different keys to make sounds …

Meshwork 1.7.2

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Meshwork is a 3D triangle-mesh modeling program for MacOS. It is designed especially for making compact, efficient objects for use in 3D games, artwork or on the web. It imports and exports several file formats, including DXF and optimized 3DMF. …

Math Flash 1.1

Rated /5

Math Flash is an easy to use flash card style program to aide students in learning single, double, and triple digit addition and subtraction. Problems may be displayed horizontally or vertically. . The sum to solve is shown in a …