9Tuner 5.2.1
To optimize Mac OS 9 This program modifies some of the resources in your system and Finder in order to change the appearance and functionalities of Mac OS 9. It allows you, for example, to define a series of keyboard …
To optimize Mac OS 9 This program modifies some of the resources in your system and Finder in order to change the appearance and functionalities of Mac OS 9. It allows you, for example, to define a series of keyboard …
A backup tool. Careful Backup is one of the most complete solutions for backing up sensitive data. It runs in the background, monitoring changed or new files. You must first determine which files are to be saved. This is done …
A program for teaching the addition of fractions to students. The student is shown 3 fractions which have to be added up. They are visualized both as normal fractions and also as pie charts or graduations on a ruler. Using …
An Apple Player. This program is designed to take care of any audio/video synchronization problems that may occur when playing DVDs on Macintosh. It can also shut down, or put the Mac to sleep, at the end of the DVD. …
A Euro Converter. This program will change French Francs to Euros and visa versa. The user enters the amount and money to convert and the conversion takes place in real time. The result can be copied to the clipboard and …
To find and quickly open folders. This program will display desktop icons to enable you to quickly open the folders that you use the most often. A list is displayed in which you must indicate your chosen folders and the …
Creation of sophisticated buttons for web pages. Just Buttons helps you create stunning web buttons for your web pages. You choose the shape, colour and text for your buttons and you can add custom shadows or highlights to the text …
Conversion tools for investors. Designed for investors, this program provides some useful tools for managing a portfolio of stocks and shares. You can calculate the number of stocks that you are able to purchase at a given moment, calculate the …
Web Analyzer provides a technical analysis of web pages – those on the internet, or local web pages. It is a free product – the serial number that you must enter in order to use it is found in the …
Console virtuelle pour la recherche d’informations. Développé et diffusé pour assister l’internaute qui utilise un portail comme point de départ de ses recherches sur Internet, ce logiciel a pour vocation le tri des informations et la conception de menus personnalisés. …