SpotCheck 1.2

Rated /5

A java code editor and assistant. SpotCheck is designed for novice java programmers and will help to produce correct code, without relying on confusing and untimely feedback from a compiler. SpotCheck will identify syntax errors and semantic errors (undefined names, …

Wheels! 1.0

Rated /5

Entraînement par le jeu au pilotage d’un fauteuil roulant motorisé. Conçu par une société spécialisée dans le développement de périphériques et de logiciels à destination des handicapés, ce programme permet à de jeunes handicapés moteur de se familiariser avec le …

QuoteMe b1.2

Rated /5

Navigateur pour les cotations boursières. Ce programme se connecte à des sites d’informations boursières, rassemble les cotations les plus récentes et dresse des rapports. Les informations peuvent être affichées sous forme de tableau lumineux déroulant, de fiche récapitulative (par société …

SuperZip 2.1

Rated /5

A clone of Winzip SuperZip is a file compression utility (Zip Utility). This program features top speed compression, drag and drop manipulation and a comment screen which allows you to more quickly review archived files. Superzip lets you zip files …

TWEAKI 2.7.4

Rated /5

Tweaki is a security and optimization tool for Windows that enables you to customize all aspects of your PC and keep it’s performance optimal. Tweaki allows you to delete icons and commands from the desktop, to delete your online browsing …

Quick Calc 1.2

Rated /5

A scientific calculator In addition to calculating and memorizing additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions. Quick Calc also handles parentheses and exponents. Unlike other calculators Quick Calc takes expressions in a linear fashion. The formulas used the most can be saved …

iOrganize 3.6

Rated /5

A collection of note-taking software. iOrganize enables you to store notes, ideas, text extracts, web links… etc It has an easy to use user interface and lets you quickly and easily store whatever you want. It contains a small address …