Konvert 1.0
Convert Euros into other currencies. This program will instantly convert Euros in to approximately 30 different currencies and visa versa. The exchange rates are easy to update. Win 95/98
Convert Euros into other currencies. This program will instantly convert Euros in to approximately 30 different currencies and visa versa. The exchange rates are easy to update. Win 95/98
Mathematical conversions. This little conversion program is useful for informaticians and mathematicians. A conversion table provides many conversions including octets to bits, Ko, Mo and Go; Decimal numbers to hexadecimal, octal, binary and roman numerals ; Seconds to minutes, hours, …
A sports league tracker. Although this soft was designed for tracking soccer championships, it can also be used for other league sports. All the results are shown in a table and statistics can easily be obtained. Information available includes the …
Pour rectifier sa position au golf. Ce logiciel d’apprentissage du golf demande de solides connaissances en vidéo numérique et infographie. L’utilisateur doit tout d’abord être filmé ou photographié dans différentes positions de put. Les images doivent être numérisées et/ou copiées …
A universal converter of units and values. This is a conversion calculator that will convert just about anything in one unit, or sets of units, into another. Hundreds of units are built in and a nearly unlimited number of custom …
De petits calendriers de l’année. Cette petite pile HyperCard génère un calendrier de l’année en cours qu’il est possible d’imprimer. Il peut être imprimé en français, en anglais, en espagnol, en allemand et en néerlandais. PPC
An ear training program. This program proposes musical ear training exercises of varying difficulty for all levels. The exercises are sorted into sections (intervals, chords, scales, melodies and rhythms) and there are 10 exercises per section. The question is answered …
Learn guitar chords. Thus program is designed for guitarists and contains more than 2500 different chords which can be played on a guitar. (A chord is the sound obtained when several notes are played at once). This program displays a …
A soccer league management software. Well illustrated and easy to use, this ambitious soft allows you to track an unlimited number of football leagues and to obtain a wealth of statistics and information useful to soccer fans. Detailled statistics about …
Estimation of value of second hand computers and peripherals. This program is sold by a company who specializes in sales of second hand computers and is used to estimate the value of used IBM compatible and Macintosh personal computers (including …