Euroconv 2.34
A currency converter for converting foreign currencies in to Euros and vice versa.
A currency converter for converting foreign currencies in to Euros and vice versa.
Currency converter is both a converter and a calculator. It will convert between 182 different currencies.
This is a calculator and French Francs/Euros converter. It enables you to do calculations and switch easily from Euros to Francs.
This calculator is based on the Windows calculator and will also convert Euros in to French Francs.
A calculator with 7 lines on the screen and up to 100 lines in the memory.
A desktop calculator which will convert between all Euro-based currencies and 28 foreign currencies.
A calculator for converting Euros to French Francs and vice versa.
This soft will convert from Euros to French Francs and vice versa. It is available for both MacOS and Windows.
A calculator and currency converter with VAT options.
A simple, real time, French Francs – Euros and Euros – French Francs converter. The interface is friendly and easy to use.