Create plannings showing activities and holidays.
The plannings created by this program show periods of activity and holidays for an illimited number of employees.
Plannings can be produced in either color or different levels of grey and be weekly, monthly or yearly. The page-set up for printing the plannings is taken care of by the software. Statistical calculations are provided and graphs can be produced. Includes a module, for automatically generating cyclic periods of activity/holidays for employees over a period of 1-12 months. To use this module, various parameters should be set. The module can also be used for simulation purposes. The software supports an illimited number of employees, who can be split into groups and moved from one group to another (without their plannings changing). Includes back-up tools and can be used in a network with exchange of files between a server poste and client stations (a special client program should be downloaded). Help files available. Free for the first month only.
Planificator 2.01
Editor -
Licence - Free to try
OS - Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Last update -