All about your cat.
SafeCat is a Cattery Management Software where you can keep up-to-date information about your cat. There are six main sections each with multiple subsections…including General information, Medical, Grooming, Kittens, Emergency… The Gerneral information section contains owner contact information along with the cat’s ID card (Cat ‘s visual description and photo ID, any identifying marks, chip, license number, parents, size, weight, date of birth etc.) and the contact information for the cat’s vet. The Grooming section is for details such as groomer name and address, shampoo used etc…The section for kittens can contain information (sex, temporary names, character descriptions.etc.) for up to 8 kittens along with details about new owners. In the Emergency section you can print color, emergency signs. SafeCat is also available for Dog (Safedog) and there is a version for Mac.
SafeCat 4.2
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Licence - Free to try
OS - Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP
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