CallRec is the premier voice recording application for the Treo smartphones.
This simple-to-use application allows you to record your telephone conversation and voice memos with ease by simply pressing the Treo side key. Or, you can set option to automatically record all your phone calls.
CallRec store files directly to the memory card and recording duration is limited only by free space on the card. You can transfer to PC, share via IR, Bluetooth or e-mail and lots more.
7 day trial for Treo 650/680/700p/755p or Palm Centro smartphone with memory card.
Application is designed for Palm OS operating system
CallRec 5.2
Editor -
Qmobilsoft Team
Licence - Freeware
OS - Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP

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