Simple File Shredder is a utility that securely deletes your files so they can’t be restored using recovery software.
When you delete a file using the conventional Windows delete method, the file is not actually destroyed. Windows simply acknowledges the file is no longer needed and considers it free space. The deleted file will exist in a recoverable state until it’s over-written with other data.
When you use Simple File Shredder to shred a file, the file is over-written with with random bytes before it’s deleted. If the file was ever restored using recovery software, it would be worthless. Simple File Shredder can also shred free space on multiple drives to securely remove files already deleted through Windows.
Simple File Shredder v3 provides a new fully customizable System Shredder. Using the System Shredder, you can easily group browser cache, cookie, and history files to be located and shredded.
Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 server
Simple File Shredder 3.2
Editor -
scar5 Software
Licence - Freeware
OS - Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP
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