BarCodeLabGen 1.12

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BarCodLabgen has 4 main functions:
-Printing of labels that can have up to 3 barcodes, 10 text lines, 5 fixed text lines
These labels can be fully defined by the user. The labels are printed from datas on the database of the software
– Generate a barcode and export it on an image file (WMF and TIFF format) or in the clipboard.
– Batch Export of barcodes on images files. The barcodes are generated from the datas on internal database of the software
– Checksum generateur for the following barcodes types :
The Software can generate and can print the following barcodes types
EAN13 , EAN8 , Code39, Code128 (A,B,C) , code_2_5,Code93,CodeMSI,PostNet,Codabar,UPC (A,E0,E1,S2,S5)
EAN128 (A,B,C)

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