A time tracking application that can act as your time clock, contact database, invoice generator, timesheet generator, and notepad.At its most basic use, Time Tool acts as a time clock; you may “punch in” and “punch out” as you begin and end sessions of work on a job. If you have multiple projects to bill time toward, you may punch in and out toward specific projects. Once your job is complete, Time Tool will generate a nicely formatted invoice, print it, and save it for you. Within Time Tool lies a powerful relational database engine that keeps track of all your jobs, time assigned to these jobs, and your clients. You may use it as a client database for quick lookup of your clients’ addresses and phone numbers, and since it is a relational database, you’ll never have to enter the same data twice. You are given complete access to the underlying data. If you forgot to punch in or punch out, don’t worry — it’s easy to go in and add, delete, or modify any session of time you wish on any job.
Time Tool 2.02 OS X
Editor -
The Computing Edge
Licence - Free to try
OS - Mac OS Classic

Last update -