Rainlendar is a small but extensive calendar that is highly customiseable. The tool displays the current month on your desktop and can be anyplace on the desktop. In addition, the software supports skins.
* Various display options for different dates
* Supports window transparency
* Sync with many clients
* Localisations for many languages
* Alarm function for dates
* Syncronises appointments and tasks with Outlook
* ToDo list
* Works also as LiteStep plugin
* Displays the current date in the tray icon
* Can be anchored to the desktop (will not disappear when clicking on “Show Desktop”)
* Personally customised hotkeys for quick access
* Simple adjustment of the surface by numerous skins
Great calendar tool that is also portable and therefore can be launched from a USB stick. Rainlendar uses few system resources and is highly recommended. Rainlendar Pro ($9.95) adds support for Outlook, Google Calendar and iCal.