History Purify is deeper professional computer history analyzing and cleaning specialist. History Purify is very simple and easy to use, and protect your personal activity and information. History Purify serves as a very beneficial general computer maintenance program, saving storage space, allowing more efficient mapping, and improving the performance of your computer. Main Features 1. True Privacy New secure delete algorithm will securely delete history traces. Deleting history including Internet Temp Files, History & Cookies securely instead of using web browsers built-in privacy functions. This will protect privacy truly. 2. Auto clean Automatically covers surfing tracks immediately and clean completely. 3. Easy To Use Easy to use with simple user-friendly Graphical User Interface and easy to use with powerful function. 4. Improve System Performance Saving storage space, allowing more efficient mapping, and improving the performance of your computer. 5. Cleaning more history Cleaning history including Windows Fragmented Files, Windows Recycle Bin, Windows Temporary Folders, Windows System Swap Files, File & Application History Lists, Recent Documents List, Run History , Find Files History, Internet Explorer History, URL History List from Address Bar , URL History Files, Temporary Internet Files, Auto-Complete Form Fields & Passwords, index.dat file, IE Cookies. 7 Day free trial.Trial version is full-function but time-limited, you can use full function History Purify only during trial period.
History Purify 2.00
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Licence - Free to try
OS - Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP

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