Generate combinations of numbers.
Created for Lotto players, this program is also useful for anyone who needs a program to generate combinations of a set of numbers. The user simply enters up to 20 different numbers and the program will then show all 2,3,4… to 19-number combinations of the numbers entered. Combinations! can then create a sub-set of the generated combinations at the click of a button (helps lotto players create a manageable set of numbers to play). Once generated, the combinations (lists) can be printed or exported to a tab-delimited text file (for use in spreadsheets, text editing programs..). Also available for Windows.
Combinations! 1.1
Editor -
Gordon Gonsalves
Licence - Free to try
OS - Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP

Last update -