MusicCatalog 3.71

Rated /5

Organize all your CD’s, tapes, records and videos.
Keep track your entire collection and sort your music however you like. You can store and easily update information such as songs, lyrics, artist, producer, additional musician credits, publishing date, record label, format (CD, vynil record, cassette or even VHS, computer file….. ), where and when you got it, purchase price, catalogue number, physical location…
You can use album art, artist photos, and even record samples of songs. Statistics report tells you your disc, tape, vinyl, and video total as well as other useful information.
You can create a web page of your collection : Generate the HTML automatically with preset color schemes, or customize your page. There is an integrated help system and technical support is free. A list of music web sites (both information-only sites and sales sites) is included.
Also exists for Mac
Win 95/98/NT

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